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FAQ: Getting Started
Pricing, campaign set-up, privacy and security
What are the next steps?I've received a sample what?
Returning Customers: How to create a copy of a past fundraiserFast & easy to get your next fundraiser started
How much does 99Pledges cost?99Pledges is FREE! $0 startup costs & 0% platform fee
When will we get paid?We process payment within 1 business day of your request (check via mail or bank direct deposit)
Are there fees on cash/checks entered online?No, there are no fees on cash/checks
How do donations work on 99Pledges?We help make it easy for anyone to make an online donation
Can you add my participants for me?Yes, we only need a few items in an Excel file
Why is having a page per participant better?Grandma is more likely to donate to Sally
Do we need parent emails?No, but you'll raise a lot more money with them
Should I get parent permission?Some do using an "opt-out" approach