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Reading Tracker (Details)
Reading Tracker (Details)

How It works, How to Enable, & More

Rodrigo Ramos avatar
Written by Rodrigo Ramos
Updated over a week ago

Reading Tracker

Participants/Parents can track their reading minutes directly on 99Pledges. We do not have any logins nor passwords for participants (to make things simple), so they must click on a special link in the invitation email to use their tracker.

*Very Important: The link to the tracker can ONLY be sent if you set up your fundraiser using Option #1 EmailMe or Option C - AddMe described here: Fundraiser Participant Set-Up

We highly recommend Option #1 EmailMe - uploading a participant roster with parent emails is the best way to raise the most money. As the Admin, you will launch your fundraiser, this sends an invitation email to all participants/parents with their unique tracker link.

For Option #3: AddMe, parents would add their child to the fundraiser as a participant and then they'll receive an email with their unique tracker link.

For Option #2: FindMe, uploading a participant list with no parent emails, you will NOT be able to use the tracker.

Here's an example of how the Tracker looks:

Enabling the Tracker

To turn on the tracker, go to the "Edit Details" tab, click the checkbox for "Activity-based tracking" and click "Save" to update.

Updated in 2025: You can now run a fundraiser with the tracker enabled and only accept flat donations (without allowing for performance-based pledges).

If you want to give donors the options for flat donations (always on) AND performance-based pledges (such as per-minute pledges), please click on the checkbox for "Activity-based donations". Here's more info on these type of pledges: How Donations Work

With performance-based pledges, these are charged when you (as the Admin) accept the minutes entered by the participant/parent OR you enter total minutes for them.

You will have to enter an estimate number of minutes that participants will complete. The estimate gives donors an idea around how much they will be charged for their pledge. If you have Groups on your page, you will enter this estimate in the "Groups & Participants" tab.

Set Up Option #1 EmailMe

(pre-upload roster with parent emails)

When you launch the fundraiser through the "Groups & Participants" tab, participants/parents will receive 2 links in an invitation email. The first link is their personal pledge page, which they would share with friends & family to receive donations.

The second link is their private profile management page link, where they can track minutes and add a profile picture to their pledge page. We like to keep things simple, so the only thing they can customize on their public pledge page is their profile picture.

See below for how the invitation email looks.

*Very Important: You can customize this email when you launch the fundraiser. Please make sure to not change anything in brackets {{ }} as that is auto-generated by our system so that it's personalized to each participant.


" Hi {{first_name}} and family,

You've been invited to participate in the Read-a-thon fundraiser for Sample Elementary School.

Here's your page (SHARE this with others by email, text message, and Facebook!):


Your goal is {{goal_amount}}.

Here’s your private profile management page (Do NOT share this with anyone!):


* Upload a profile picture

* Share by email and text message

* Log minutes each day

Feel free to email us with any questions.

Thanks so much for your support and good luck!

-Sample Elementary School "


The private profile management page link will appear where it says: {{manage_participant_url}}

Here's an example of how it looks for our sample student, Kenny R.:

After clicking on that link, they would click the "Track" tab to start tracking minutes, the minutes are saved automatically after entering them.

Set Up Option #3 AddMe

(parents add their child as a participant)

This set up is used when your school has privacy policies and cannot share participant and parent information such as emails.

When a parent adds their child as a participant to the fundraiser, they will be asked to enter Student Name, Email Address(es), and select their Group from a dropdown menu (such as class/grade). If you don't have Groups, they won't be asked to select a Group.

After adding their child as a participant, the system will automatically take them to their child's pledge page where they can donate and share the link with friends & family.

Shortly after, they will receive an email message with subject line "Check out your new fundraiser page!" Their private profile management page link will be the 2nd link that appears in the email. Through this link, they can track minutes and also add a profile picture to their pledge page. We like to keep things simple, so the only thing they can customize on their page is their profile picture.

See below for how the email looks. This email is not customizable.

*Important: Anything in brackets {{ }} is auto-generated by our system.


" Hi {{first_name}},

You've been added as a participant in the in the Read-a-thon fundraiser for Sample Elementary School.

Here's your page (SHARE this with others by email, text message, and Facebook!):


Your goal is {{goal_amount}}.

Here’s your private profile management page (Do NOT share this with anyone!):


* Upload a profile picture

* Share by email and text message

* Log minutes each day

Feel free to email us with any questions.

Thanks so much for your support and good luck!

-Sample Elementary School "


The private profile management page link will appear where it says: {{manage_participant_url}}

Here's an example of how the link looks for our sample student, Kenny:

After clicking on that link, they would click the "Track" tab to start tracking minutes, the minutes are saved automatically after entering them.

Accepting Minutes Entered

Once the tracking period is over, you will go into your 99Pledges Admin account and finalize the minutes entered to charge anyone that made a per-minute pledge. Learn How:

If you are not accepting per-minute pledges or performance-based pledges, then this step is not required.

Downloading Results

You will be able to see results in the Groups & Participant tab. You can also download a file that opens in Excel by clicking "Export CSV file".

You can download the results at any time. Once you open the file, it shows a column called "# Tracked" which represents the minutes that participants have entered so far. Here's an example of how it will look:

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