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Donations - How to Reassign / Change Region
Donations - How to Reassign / Change Region

How to move donations made to the main page or wrong participant. You can also change the "Region/State" that the donation came from.

Rodrigo Ramos avatar
Written by Rodrigo Ramos
Updated over a week ago

How to Reassign / Move Donations

As the Admin, you can quickly reassign donations.

Here's how:

  1. Go to the Donations tab.

  2. Scroll over the donor name.

  3. Click on the pencil icon and click "Edit Donation".

  4. Then select the participant name from the drop down menu.

*If you don't see the participant name, then you will need to create a pledge page for the participant. You can add them on the Groups & Participants tab first, then you'll be able to reassign from the "Main Fundraiser Page" to the participant.

How to Change "Region/State" of a Donation

Following the same steps above, you can change the "Region" or "State" that the donation came from. For example, Kenny's mom in California makes a donation on behalf of Kenny's grandmother who lives in Florida. The donation will be shown as coming from California, however through this "Edit Donation" process, you can change the region to Florida.

Note: Splitting donations is not possible. Our support team ( can refund the donation so that the donor can go back in to redo the donation as desired. Or you can reassign the donation to one of the participants.

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