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Raise money by spelling

Vinay Anne avatar
Written by Vinay Anne
Updated over a year ago


Spell-a-thons are super simple. Students will ask friends and family for sponsors online for the number of words they spell correctly on a test given in class (teachers choose the words). No event to organize or junk to sell. SUPER EASY.

Word List: Click here to find a Spell-a-thon word list from 1st to 8th grade.

You can also run this fundraiser a Math-a-thon, instead of words spelled correctly, students receive donations for number of problems solved. Find Math-a-thon problem worksheets here.

Here's how SIMPLE it is:

  • Parents receive a link to their student's page via email - ZERO parent set-up which leads to more donations!

  • They simply share that link via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  • Students obtain donations for words spelled correctly

  • You enter the results and we send you a check the next day

Use 99Pledges for FREE - You only cover the standard credit card processing fee of 3.49% + 49 cents per transaction and that's it!

We help you supercharge your fundraiser:

  • Substantially increase the amount you raise - reach grandma in Florida easily.

  • Eliminate the work for you and your parents - stop chasing down checks and pledge forms.

  • Accept, track, and report on online, cash, and check donations.

  • We do all the set-up for you. We can go live today.

Here are examples of schools that love us:

Click here to read testimonials from our awesome customers.Β 

Do you want us to create a sample campaign for you?
Send us a message with your organization name and email, we'll send you a sample campaign OR you can click the button below to create your fundraiser for free!

Spell-a-thons are super fun and simple, and we'll be here every step of the way.

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πŸ’¬ Send us a message on Live Chat - click the blue circle at the bottom right

You can also email or call us

πŸ“ž (855) 997-5334

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